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The purpose of the ESP Service Provider network is twofold.
Primarily, as an ESP Service Provider, one can contribute to the product development and competitiveness of the ESP products through the ESP Shop. If one can supply a product that can be used towards building the existing ESP products then, based on cost and delivery factors, one could be an option as an additional provider. Further if one can suggest a new ESP product (or combination of products) then that can be added to the ESP Shop (specialised services can be found in the ESP Shop).
By being listed as an ESP Service Provider, the secondary benefit is that one is viewed directly by the ESP network of businesses (which also when shared on the ESP platform, become an open website directory-like service). There is no commission basis to referrals as these services are on a non-profit basis, the aim is for ESP to provide an open network for small businesses to prosper. As such, this platform provides an additional marketing channel for ones business as a related supplier and to potential customers.